Monday 21 December 2015


Képtalálat a következőre: „images of Northern states of Nigeria Governors”In a communique issued at the end of a meeting held by the Nigeria’s 19 Northern States governors on Saturday, stressed that no Nigerian is above law and constituted authority and that every organization must operate within the confine of the law; be it religious or social.

The governors however endorsed and support the actions of Kaduna State Governor which to make a Judicial Commission of Inquiry to examine the immediate and remote causes of the incident and commended him for it.

The governors gave the citizens their assurance and readiness to maintain law and order as well as not infringing on the rights to practice their religions; they also offer their who lost their lives in the Zaria fracas.

They on the other hand frowned on the illegal block of highways and resolved that police permit and protection as prescribed by the law has to be sought before such happens again.

They reaffirmed their commitment to revive and grow the economies of Northern States, create jobs and other opportunities, stating that efforts are on going in reviewing agriculture and industries related to agriculture.

They implored all Nigerians, irrespective of their political affiliations, religious persuasions, sectional or ethnic backgrounds, to unite in fighting the nation’s common enemies of poverty, destitution and illiteracy saying that the problems the country is facing at present is beyond politic and combating the problems require collective efforts.

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