Monday 11 September 2017


Stretch marks is one of the most annoying and irritating things that blemishes a woman's body. I said a woman's body because this is one of challenges many women are facing. For many Nigerian women, how to get rid of stretch marks naturally is a very big problem. Stretch mark is actually not a disease but can be so embarassing regardless of where it appears in the body.

Possible Causes of Stretch Marks

Obesity Or Weight Gain
This is one of the common possible causes of stretch marks for many and this in turn is due to the amount of weight one acquires or loses at a time. So, mostly stretch marks appear in some parts of the body once somebody gains weight or lose it suddenly as the skin will be tightly stretched because of the excess weight causing the elastic fibers under the surface the surface of the skin break resulting in stretch marks. The extent of the stretch marks one gets depends on the amount of weight gained over a very short period. Obese or overweight people who shed rapid weight are also likely to have stretch marks.

Closely related to weight gain and stretch marks is pregnancy because many women develop stretch marks at a time during pregnancy as a result, the tummy expansion at a very alarming rate make most pregnant women prone to having stretch marks in their stomach and the surrounding areas during pregnancy.
More so, stretch marks for pregnant women may not be limited to only the tummy and the surrounding areas alone but some other parts of the bodies also. This is because women add some kg during pregnancy, hence, stretch marks may appear in the buttocks, breasts, arms and some other areas too.

Stretch marks can be from the gene, having a history of people with stretch marks in your family line may result in you have it also. Maybe someone from your father or mother lineage may affect you genetically.

Rapid Growth

Lastlly, as a teenager, growing up through puberty is fun but also come with some challenges as well and one od them for some young people is how to deal with stretch marks. Some teenagers especially girls are so unhappy with these marks, which are growth spurts appearing in some parts of their bodies especially when they gain or lose weight suddenly.

How To Remove or Reduce Stretch Marks Naturally

There are some simple ways of getting rid of stretch marks with home remedies tips. Some of the items to be mentioned here can be easily found anywhere in Nigeria, Africa or in any part of the world. Some of them are in our kitchen and we can just use wath we have to remedy those ugly stretch marks on our skin. Through experience these tips work perfect in reducing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin, if not totally removing them.

Coconut Oil, Olive Oil and Shear Butter

Mixture if these these three items work wonders on the skin and l am sure you will like the smell as well. Coconut oil, shear butter and olive oil as home remedy for stretch marks alone but also for beautiful skin and glowing skinl. I once met a young lady with a glowing skin and when l asked her what cream she uses, she said she only mix olive oil, shear butter and coconut oil together and that is all she used on her skin since she started seeing stretch marks on her arm. Just mix the three in equal Proportion and apply on your skin

Lemon and Cucumber Juice
Lemon juice known for its potent curative chemicals in many areas can as well help in reducing those stretch marks. Just rub or massage the affected area with lemon juice, for more possitive effect, you can add cucumber juice and then mixed together and then apply the mixture directly on the affected area rubbing it in gently for like ten minutes and then clean the affected area with warm water.

This is another home remedy for removing stretch marks or at least reduce it to the barest minimum. With the potency considered to be in sugar which helps in exfoliating the skin, this makes sugar be one of the home ingredients used in getting rid of stretch marks. This is how to use sugar to get rid or reduce stretch marks in any parts of the body is that
- put a full tablespoon of sugar in a clean container
- add a few drops of almond oil and lemon juice with the sugar.
- Mix the contents thoroughly and then rub the mixture in the affected parts of your body and let it stay on the skin for some minute then wash it off with warm water dry with a soft cloth afterwards. For more positive effect, repeat for a month atleast.

Cocoa Butter
Apart from being very effective in reducing wrinkles and promoting good shining skin,cocoa butter can also be used in reducing stretch marks.
How then can you use cocoa butter to  remove stretch marks?
All you need do is to rub-in and massage gently the affected area with sufficient amount of cocoa butter. Repeat the action two times daily, within 2 months you will start seeing changes.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is another home remedy for Minimising or getting rid of stretch marks in the body. All you need do is to just pluck a medium size of aloe vera leaf and rub the juice against the affected area of the skin and leave it on for some minutes, then wash it off with water.
This God given plant is very potent and you will start to see changes if used regularly.
Altanatively, extract oil from vitamin E and vitamin A together with aloe vera can be used as herbal remedy for to prevent or remove stretch marks. Just exract the juice from the aloe vera leaf and get five capsules each of both vitamin A and Vitamin E, extract thier oil and mix with aloe vera juice. Everyday, rub newly made mixture on the affected area and leave on for 30 minutes before washing it off.

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