Wednesday 20 July 2016


The SPD politician Petra Hinz claimed to have completed a law degree with two state exams. But in truth, she did not even graduate from high School.

The member of Parliament, Petra Hinz has admitted to have forged important parts her resume.

The politician had neither high school nor a law degree. In her official resume she had falsely claimed to have acquired those qualifications.

She claimed that from 1985 to 1995 she had a degree in law and political science, rounded up with two state exams. After which she worked professionally as a lawyer, among other things in a group for real estate.

For 11 years is Mrs Hinz representing her party SPD in the parliament with faked or forged CV.

For almost 30 years Petra Hinz has made as a supposed lawyer career in politics. Now came out that it has not yet graduated from high school. Her Party now calls for consequences and has called on the Member of Parliament to its mandate "resign immediately''.

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