Thursday 17 March 2016


The German diplomatic missions in Turkey have been closed due to planned terrorist attacks.  "Last night reached our security agencies some very concrete and very serious indications that terrorist attacks against our German offices in Turkey were being prepared," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Thursday in Berlin.Steinmeier had then decided that the German Embassy in Ankara, the Consulate General in Istanbul and the German schools remain closed in both cities. "This was a necessary measure, because the protection of German citizens and the working and learning in the institutions people must have priority now."The safeguards at these facilities should now be increased. There were a "precaution," said Steinmeier. You will now try to collect more information on the security situation of Turkey. "The crisis unit of the Federal Government meets for an hour here at the Foreign Office, and we ask the citizens to follow the travel advice in the coming days more carefully."The Foreign Office advises on its website to increased caution in Istanbul, Ankara and other big cities of Turkey. Crowds, on public places and tourist attractions, as well as stay close government and military facilities should be avoided.In Ankara, 37 people were killed on Sunday in an attack. On Thursday, which emerged from the banned Kurdish Workers' Party PKK splinter group Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK) known to the assassination.Source and image: dpa

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