Sunday 1 November 2015


Obviously Russia Putin is leading in its attempt to chop down the wings of the Islamic terrorist group in Syria. It was reported shortly that the US refused to accept the Russia's offer of helping the wounded American soldiers in the ongoing war of Syria. It is crystal clear that America is not happy with Russia taking the World Police status America is known for. Both countries are enemies since the period of Cold War no doubt, but in the ongoing war in Syria, Russia has shown that its being present in Syria is not to make enemies, by making it known to Washington its army is ready to work with the Us army. This show of friendliness may be a pseudo one to make the world believe Russia is not the villain here. Either way, is it not better and time the US officials and the ruling elites take a chill pill and embrace whichever nation that tries to put an end to an attack on innocent people? Russia has shown that it is not willing to have a confrontation with the US but US seem not to give a damn. Powerful countries are taking sides on Assad already.
Following the recent US policy to give weapons to the rebels and send American troupes down to Syria to train them, Russia has issued a note of warning to America not to start a 'Proxy war ' in the Middle East Region.
In a latest development, Russian commercial plane just crashed in Egypt where over 200 people aboard all lost their lives yesterday 31 October, 2015. Hope this is not a revenge to Malaysian plane crashed by the rebels in Ukrainian sky sometime last week. Where is this leading to? Hope this is not an attempt at lurch world powerful countries against one another? A food for thought.

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