Friday 8 January 2016


Olisa Metuh
Four days after the arrest of Chief Olisa Metuh by officials of the EFCC, his family has cried out that he should be released or charged to court.
The family members of the of the arrested PDP spokesman Have cried out to the Federal Government to release their son, they said the offence Metuh was arrested for has not been made known to him and also raised an alarm that they were worried over the safety and health of the PDP spokesman.

The family also said, Metuh  raised an alarm not long ago that some people in some quarters are trying to take his life and since his arrest, he has refuse to neither eat nor drink for the fear of having him poisoned.

The statement signed by Chief Gilbert Metuh for the family read in part: “Metuh family – the Obi-Ezeani-Nnewi- has noted with grave concern the continued incarceration of their Diokpa and spokesperson of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Olisa Metuh (Ugochidebelu Nnewi) since his arrest Tuesday by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

“Whereas the charges for which Chief Metuh is being detained for over 48 hours now have not been formally made known to the family and the general public; we have noted some sensational publications in a section of the media claiming that our son collected the sum of N1.4 billion from the arms deal cash and has been collecting N4 million monthly from the Office of the former National Security Adviser.

“We have confronted our son with this allegation and he assured us that they are completely false.

“However, he acknowledged that in the course of his duties as the National Publicity Secretary of the PDP, the then leader of the party and President of the country directed him to carry out some urgent national assignment relating to his office, which the former President duly funded and which he duly carried out to the satisfaction of the former President.

“The family, therefore, views the publications bandying the figure of N1.4 billion and alleged collection of N4 million stipend from the Office of the NSA as deliberate blackmail aimed at inflaming public sentiments against our son.

“Our biggest concern for now is the health and safety of our son, who even before his arrest has alerted the nation about various threats to his life, a stance that is not unconnected to his position as the spokesperson of the opposition. Our position is more so as he has refused to eat following fears of intentions to poison him in detention.

“In view of the above therefore, we DEMAND that the EFCC immediately release our son, Chief Metuh (Ugochidebelu Nnewi) from detention or charge him to court.”

In another news, in a statement by PDP National Secretary, Prof. Adewale Oladipo, early this week, the party said Metuh arrest is part of the plan by APC led administration  to ensure that "PDP’s wings are finally clipped in their mission to install a dictatorial one-party state in the country."

PDP said the security agencies "especially the Department of State Services (DSS) and the EFCC" are threats to Nigeria democracy. The party also claim that they are "aware of top directives to break Chief Metuh and if possible poison him during his detention by the EFCC."

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