Saturday 9 January 2016


Jim Nwobodo, a former presidential spirant and senator under the umbrella of PDP, announced his defection at a meeting convened by the foreign affairs minister,  Dr. Geoffrey Onyeama, in Enugu state.

Nwobodo his speech at the meeting condemned his former party.

He said: “You must always lose, what matters is the ability to rise again.

“I must condemn our former party, PDP – I know we had problems.

“I told our former chairman, how come did we allow five governors to leave the party?

“I am not looking for a job, I am talking because I want peace.

“I want our people to be part of the Federal Government at the centre,” he said.

His defection was however met with  disapproval from some members of the APC at the meeting, but  the party chairman in Enugu state, Dr. Ben Nwoye, calmed the aggrieved party members down.

Jim Nwobodo, who was named by the former National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sabo Dasuki, as one of the beneficiary of the arms funds,  though he had denied media reports and  that the #100 million he collected was  from Ahmed Muazu, former national chairman of the PDP, not the ex-NSA, and it was meant  for campaign logistics.

“I have never met Sambo Dasuki. I know Yuguda as former Minister, that is all. What happened was that I was invited alongside 15 leaders of PDP in the South East to the residence of Ahmed Muazu to collect the money allocated to our zone by the PDP.

“Three party leaders were selected from each of the five states of the South East. I was selected to lead a committee of 15 to collect the N100million, which was shared to each one of us for campaign logistics in our respective states.

“I was surprised to hear that a report quoted me as saying I collected N500million from Muazu. This is sheer lie as I have never previously spoken to any journalist on this issue but today. So how come somebody concocted a figure and attributed it to me? It was PDP as party that shared the money for campaign not for our individual use,” he said. 

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