Friday 25 December 2015


Image Results for "images of phcn in Nigeria"The Chairman, House Committee on Media and Public Affairs, Mr. Abdulrazak Namdas, said the House of Representatives is going to summon the management of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, NERC, in January over the increase of electricity tariffs.

Namdas said the NERC’s announcement is strange to the lawmakers and that the NERC management had been summoned to come and explain their action in January when the members of the House come back from Christmas holiday.

Namdas said NERC’s increase in electricity tariff was in total defiance to the House earlier resolution that NERC should suspend any plans to ask electricity consumers to pay more pending the outcome of an ongoing investigation into the activities of distribution companies.

But despite the resolution in less than a week NERC announced plans to make electricity consumers pay 45% more for electricity in 2016.

He further said that “Our investigation into the operations of Discos is still ongoing and part of it has to do with this issue of tariff hike.

The Chairman, ad hoc committee set up to investigate the activities of Power distribution companies, Mr. Jimi Benson said that NERC deliberately disregard Legislators and the two reminders the committee sent to it on October 29 and December 15, 2015 not to defy the position of the House.

Quoting parts of the letters, he said, “In paragraph 3 of our letter dated October 29, 2015, under the same subject heading, we requested you to suspend the implementation of any increase in electricity tariff until the committee concludes its investigations."

“Further recall that at the joint investigative hearing with the Committee on Power, it was agreed that any tariff increase should be suspended until all stakeholders are carried along."

“Our attention has been drawn to various news items published in many newspapers of yesterday, December 13, 2015, to the effect that your commission has concluded plans to announce new electricity tariff to Nigerians this week."

“It is our opinion that any plan by your commission to announce new electricity tariff will run contrary to the spirit of the letter under reference and undermine the outcome of the investigative hearing by this committee as it relates to infrastructure and billing by electricity distribution companies."

“We hereby, once again, demand that you suspend the announcement and/or implementation of any increase in electricity tariff until the above stated issues are concluded.”

Benson further said that Dr. Sam Amadi tenure as the NERC chairman has ended and wondered why he left office with such a parting gift.

He said the report of the committee findings which has enough "justifiable reasons why tariff should not be increased" would be submitted to the Speaker of the When the house resumes in January, mentioning however that "NERC has refused to submit" necessary documents."

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