Wednesday 11 November 2015


Widely held beliefs about women in the bedroom are false, that women rarely want to have sex, and when they are in the mood its all about missionary style with lots of eye contact, that is not true. The gist is women are thinking about what they can get between the sheet more way than you can imagine.
Are you among those who believe:

Women do not have sexual desire like men
Sex isn't important to women
Women don't masturbate
Women talk about sex amongst themselves more than men do
Women all love cunnilingus
She is not sexually aroused because she is not wet
Women are romantic and want their men to be chivalrous
Women like to take their time
Size of her partner’s manhood determines her satisfactio


Women do not have sexual desire like men
This is so wrong. Though men are more impulsive, more reactive to arousal and find it easier to climax, but that doesn't mean that women have less desire. Mostly, women can be aroused sexually without any physical signs or do not need to climax to feel fulfilled. So just because women may not wear our boners on our sleeves, doesn't mean they aren't more turned on than their male counterparts.

Sex isn't important to women
There's a preconceived idea that women don’t like sex and prefer family life, emotions or talking to having sex. Women are wired when it comes to good sex life just as much as men, but they often attempt to multi-task things simultaneously while men tend to compartmentalize. I.e. sex time means men are only thinking about sex time while women could simultaneously be worried about the fight with their friend or if they remembered to pick up their dry cleaning. You only have to look at the Sex & the City girls to see that sex is very much at the forefront of many ladies' minds!

Women don't masturbate
It’s difficult to say exactly how many women masturbate because even in our times, female masturbation is still a taboo subject. According to a recent study, 60% of women say they masturbate regularly. We may have not done so hot in calculus, but we're pretty sure 60% means the majority of women masturbate on the reg.

Women talk about sex amongst themselves more than men do
Not exactly, studies show that women talk a lot about sex when they are together, but they tend to get into the juicier details more than men. Men talk about sex much more generally, saying whether it was good or bad without necessarily going into all the details. Women want to know what positions, size and if everybody was able to finish. Who doesn't love hearing all the juicy details?

Women all love cunnilingus
Au contraire! 75% of women have had cunnilingus, but according to an American study, 45% aren't comfortable receiving oral sex because of embarrassment or simply because they find the sensation unpleasant. There's a lot going on down there for women and unless you're an expert it can be hard to know how to do it well. So if your girl doesn't love you going down on her, it may not just be her thing... or maybe you are just really bad at it.

She is not sexually aroused because she is not wet
 There are other causes of being dry down South for females, it's not the same as a guy getting an erection. You need to take into account stress, hormonal changes, lack of sexual activity and even the side-effects of medication like birth control. So don't worry if it's not Niagra Falls! Just invest in some lube and a patient partner.

Women are romantic and want their men to be chivalrous
Yes, women love flowers, that occasional surprise gifts and love notes, but that's not all. We also love to be challenged a little bit and even if we like to be the one with the reigns in real life, a lot of times we like to be the ones to give up the power in the bedroom. Chivalry comes in many forms, as long as you're making the girls feel sexy however they like it. Although if you could still open doors and pull out our chairs at dinner we would still love that.

Women like to take their time
That is not always the case, although lots of women enjoy foreplay to help get them lubricated and in the mood, lots of women enjoy a quickie. Depending on how a women is most stimulated, she also may want to get right down to the dirty stuff because that is when she feels the most pleasure. The only way to know what your partner wants in the bedroom? To ask.

Size of her partner’s manhood determines her satisfaction.
All lies, although it may be more popular to have a larger penis, it's not the end all be all. The depth of the vagina is limited and the G spot is not at the back: it's located around 4cm from the entrance. So as long as you know how to work with what you got and realize that vaginal intercourse is not, and should not, be the only way to pleasure a girl then you have nothing to worry about. Just make sure you know what you're working with.

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