Thursday 9 July 2015


A German woman  wanted no children, but was still pregnant - even though she had done everything to prevent it apart from having sex. The spiral insert contraceptive is considered very reliable, but seemed to have failed in this case. The woman still became pregnant and got a little daughter. She had absolutely no desire to have children,so she sued her gynecologist for a treatment error. But in fact the doctor had done everything right - the "problem" was the woman herself.The woman  has two vaginas and two uteri.  Therefore, it was immaterial whether a spiral had been used in one of the sexual organs or not, the fertilization apparently took place on the second vagina. Still, that would have the gynecologist must realize, says the applicant and refers to an ultrasound scan, which he had carried out. He should have seen that she has two vaginas and uteruses, and are accordingly advised to another method of contraception.But the Court of Appeal in Hamm sees it differently: We can not blame the doctor that he had gone out of the "normal" case. That a woman two vaginas and uteruses have, is extremely difficult to diagnose - and also a very rare case.

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