Wednesday 20 January 2016


21year old dies after taking contraceptive pills
A young lady has been reportedly died from side effect of the contraceptive pill she was taking which resulted to her having a fatal blood clot in her lungs caused by a deep vein thrombosis at the time.

The  pills was said to have been prescribed for the 21 year old young  woman 3 months before her death to help regulate her menstruation and she developed a side effect in which she was initially complaining of legs,  chest pains and short of breath before her death.

 Her GP was said to have prescribed the  pill to the tragic teaching assistant, Fallan Kurek but later developed a serious pulmonary embolism  which was missed by the medics when she to complain and was only given a painkiller for her pains.
Fallan Kurek
Fallan began feeling unwell last May - just weeks after changing the brand of pill she was taking.She went to the hospital  her pain was diagnosed as being muscular and was sent home with painkillers.

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