Friday 20 November 2015


With the case of terror attacks here and there. It was France last Friday, today it's Mali, for a country like Nigeria and many other Africans and Asian countries terror attack is the order of the day. However, because of what happened in France last Friday, UK National Counter Terrorism Security Office has given these three guidance of what to do in case of a terror attack.

These guidance are that;
1.RUN: You are to run if you can and insist others follow you as well and make sure you leave your belongings behind.

2.HIDE: If it isn't possible to run, then hide in a secure place preferably behind a heavily reinforced walls and you should remember that bullets can go through glass, wood ,brick and metals. And also remember to put your phone in silent mode.

: Once you're able to, call the police and give them as much information as possible -- where are the suspects and what do they look like? How many people remain inside the building?

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