The importance of foreplay for every woman is highlighted in this explosive piece by Jasmine Leigh. A good fore play gives your woman a teasing she will treasure forever.
These six ideas are rarely done by men, which is sad because women love these moves so much. Remember: Whatever you choose to do, if you do it like you mean it, your honey will be giggling about you to her friends in no time.
1. Making out on the Couch, High School-style
Dry humping and “kissathons” are fun because they take you right back to when you were a teenager and making out was exciting and adventurous. Couch make-out sessions take the pressure off a girl from having to take her clothes off and be ready for sex, allowing her to relax and enjoy the moment. Women like to be teased. Making out with her for hours and never moving into the bedroom will get her so turned on she’ll be wanting you more than ever before.
The rules: Use the skills you gained in high school. Dry humping is one of the greatest turn-ons known to mankind, because it is so suggestive without the actual skin-on-skin touching. It has an element of driving hard for what is inaccessible. The many layers of clothing provide the padding for the crazed writhing that ensues a good D.H. session. Playing with your clothes on could ordinarily be construed as lazy or immature, but not when you are doing it deliberately. Keeping clothes on can be very sexy.
2. Spontaneous combustion
Risky, light touching in inappropriate places when sex cannot happen right then and there is very hot to women and it warms you both up nicely for later. For example, a warm hand up her top during a movie, or a hand down the side of her pants while you choose a song from the jukebox at a bar gets her feeling tingly in all the right places.
The rules: Stop! Keep her wanting: Give her a taste of it then pull back and watch her rub up against you and begin to purr. The trick with this little baby is she knows you can’t have sex. Reverse psychology is your friend; she wants what she can’t have. By the time you get somewhere you can have sex, she will be tearing at your clothes like a wild woman.
3. Deep tongue kissing
The long, lingering kiss that doesn’t progress anywhere (just yet) is the sort of kiss that will moisten up her underwear in no time flat, but is deep and long and slow. She likes it when you savor her, and doing this gets her hot under the collar.
Deep tongue kissing is one of many formulas to turning you both on. Apparently, we like deep tongue kissing because it mimics sex — the wet, writhing, sucking, licking motions get our juices flowing and almost always kick-start our sexual desire. Increased saliva flow is associated with higher arousal, which makes sense — the wetter the better. Save the slobbering though.
The rules: The trick with this one is to choose the proper time and place for this long kiss, and not to overpower her with too much tongue or speed. It is quite hard to know when a big French kiss is going to go down well. Everyone loves a decent “snog,” but all people are slightly different, so choose your moment and make it good.
Instead of using the kiss as a two second start to sex, use it as a moment to share your passion. Kissing is an intimate sport, creating more intimacy and closeness between two people, whether it be an emotional closeness, a sexual one or both.
4. Massage
When you flip her onto her stomach, and turn her "main zones" away from you, you are saying to her, “I am not just after the ‘prize,’ I want to make you feel good.” This will allow her to relax and get her juices flowing more than ever. A good erotic massage will sexualize and wake up new parts of her body, increasing the scope of her pleasure.
The rules: Don’t put her to sleep. Massages, especially after a hard week’s work or a heavy night of drinking, can easily slip a woman into sleep mode. The trick to giving a good erotic massage is to keep it sensuous, which means taking breaks between touches to lick and kiss her, and involving her whole body. Stroke her with your whole hand and enjoy her curves while you do this.
The effect of the erotic massage is that it creates occasional deep and delicious feelings while generating light and tickly feelings as you glide and graze your hands and fingers over her. These tickly feelings keep the brain and skin active and awake, while relaxing and arousing her at the same time.
Use a small amount of oil, because using too much oil with cover the gentle friction of your hands on her skin, and can end up giving an itchy feeling which isn’t sexy. Be careful where you put oil if you are using condoms, as it breaks down latex quickly. Use long strokes going down her body, all the way to her feet.
A good place to end is on her butt. Let her tell you with her writhing when she is ready for you to go further. Butt massages are the absolute best, and once you start there, she won’t want you to stop. The easiest way to encourage her arousal from a bum massage is to include her inner thighs occasionally, and skate near her anus and vaginal lips, without actually touching them but just very slightly brushing past them with your fingers. The tease will drive her wild, and before you know it, she'll be begging for more of you.
5. Kissing her on the neck
Chicks dig this. Their necks are far more sensitive than yours. This is good news for guys who aren’t sure what to do to get their girls hot. It is really easy to turn her on if you kiss her neck. It works like magic.
The rules: Be sensuous and take your time. Use a sexy combination of soft and firm kisses, and keep the pace on the slower side. Kissing her neck from behind is almost guaranteed to turn her on, and you know when she turns around to face you she is ready for more. The back of her neck and shoulders are great places to start. Progress onto the sides of her neck, and up by her ears, maybe working your way around to the front, near her jugular.
Small, soft, closed-mouth kisses work well for starters, but should be worked up to open-mouthed kisses. A warm, moist tongue on her throat (without slobbering all over her, of course) is the wet feeling that may just lurch her into outer space. She will probably moan a lot when you do this. Women also love being held by strong man hands, so use them while you do your thing.
6. Turning her on without touch
The brain is the largest sexual organ in our bodies. If you really understand this concept, you can use this to your advantage anytime you like. Include nonphysical moves such as reading her an erotic story, or telling her what you want to do to her either on the phone, by writing her a note and tucking it into her pocket, sending a text message, or emailing her. If you can get her wet before you even touch her, you are doing very, very well.
The rules: Don’t go overboard. Use words and actions that will force her to use her imagination instead of giving her every detail. Touchless foreplay is a less obvious arouser because she isn’t going to be moaning into your neck, but it is just as effective as touching her. Her imagination will run rampant when a sexy suggestion is put in place, so get her worked up with evocative words
These six ideas are rarely done by men, which is sad because women love these moves so much. Remember: Whatever you choose to do, if you do it like you mean it, your honey will be giggling about you to her friends in no time.
Dry humping and “kissathons” are fun because they take you right back to when you were a teenager and making out was exciting and adventurous. Couch make-out sessions take the pressure off a girl from having to take her clothes off and be ready for sex, allowing her to relax and enjoy the moment. Women like to be teased. Making out with her for hours and never moving into the bedroom will get her so turned on she’ll be wanting you more than ever before.
The rules: Use the skills you gained in high school. Dry humping is one of the greatest turn-ons known to mankind, because it is so suggestive without the actual skin-on-skin touching. It has an element of driving hard for what is inaccessible. The many layers of clothing provide the padding for the crazed writhing that ensues a good D.H. session. Playing with your clothes on could ordinarily be construed as lazy or immature, but not when you are doing it deliberately. Keeping clothes on can be very sexy.
2. Spontaneous combustion
Risky, light touching in inappropriate places when sex cannot happen right then and there is very hot to women and it warms you both up nicely for later. For example, a warm hand up her top during a movie, or a hand down the side of her pants while you choose a song from the jukebox at a bar gets her feeling tingly in all the right places.
The rules: Stop! Keep her wanting: Give her a taste of it then pull back and watch her rub up against you and begin to purr. The trick with this little baby is she knows you can’t have sex. Reverse psychology is your friend; she wants what she can’t have. By the time you get somewhere you can have sex, she will be tearing at your clothes like a wild woman.
3. Deep tongue kissing
The long, lingering kiss that doesn’t progress anywhere (just yet) is the sort of kiss that will moisten up her underwear in no time flat, but is deep and long and slow. She likes it when you savor her, and doing this gets her hot under the collar.
Deep tongue kissing is one of many formulas to turning you both on. Apparently, we like deep tongue kissing because it mimics sex — the wet, writhing, sucking, licking motions get our juices flowing and almost always kick-start our sexual desire. Increased saliva flow is associated with higher arousal, which makes sense — the wetter the better. Save the slobbering though.
The rules: The trick with this one is to choose the proper time and place for this long kiss, and not to overpower her with too much tongue or speed. It is quite hard to know when a big French kiss is going to go down well. Everyone loves a decent “snog,” but all people are slightly different, so choose your moment and make it good.
Instead of using the kiss as a two second start to sex, use it as a moment to share your passion. Kissing is an intimate sport, creating more intimacy and closeness between two people, whether it be an emotional closeness, a sexual one or both.
4. Massage
When you flip her onto her stomach, and turn her "main zones" away from you, you are saying to her, “I am not just after the ‘prize,’ I want to make you feel good.” This will allow her to relax and get her juices flowing more than ever. A good erotic massage will sexualize and wake up new parts of her body, increasing the scope of her pleasure.
The rules: Don’t put her to sleep. Massages, especially after a hard week’s work or a heavy night of drinking, can easily slip a woman into sleep mode. The trick to giving a good erotic massage is to keep it sensuous, which means taking breaks between touches to lick and kiss her, and involving her whole body. Stroke her with your whole hand and enjoy her curves while you do this.
The effect of the erotic massage is that it creates occasional deep and delicious feelings while generating light and tickly feelings as you glide and graze your hands and fingers over her. These tickly feelings keep the brain and skin active and awake, while relaxing and arousing her at the same time.
Use a small amount of oil, because using too much oil with cover the gentle friction of your hands on her skin, and can end up giving an itchy feeling which isn’t sexy. Be careful where you put oil if you are using condoms, as it breaks down latex quickly. Use long strokes going down her body, all the way to her feet.
A good place to end is on her butt. Let her tell you with her writhing when she is ready for you to go further. Butt massages are the absolute best, and once you start there, she won’t want you to stop. The easiest way to encourage her arousal from a bum massage is to include her inner thighs occasionally, and skate near her anus and vaginal lips, without actually touching them but just very slightly brushing past them with your fingers. The tease will drive her wild, and before you know it, she'll be begging for more of you.
5. Kissing her on the neck
Chicks dig this. Their necks are far more sensitive than yours. This is good news for guys who aren’t sure what to do to get their girls hot. It is really easy to turn her on if you kiss her neck. It works like magic.
The rules: Be sensuous and take your time. Use a sexy combination of soft and firm kisses, and keep the pace on the slower side. Kissing her neck from behind is almost guaranteed to turn her on, and you know when she turns around to face you she is ready for more. The back of her neck and shoulders are great places to start. Progress onto the sides of her neck, and up by her ears, maybe working your way around to the front, near her jugular.
Small, soft, closed-mouth kisses work well for starters, but should be worked up to open-mouthed kisses. A warm, moist tongue on her throat (without slobbering all over her, of course) is the wet feeling that may just lurch her into outer space. She will probably moan a lot when you do this. Women also love being held by strong man hands, so use them while you do your thing.
6. Turning her on without touch
The brain is the largest sexual organ in our bodies. If you really understand this concept, you can use this to your advantage anytime you like. Include nonphysical moves such as reading her an erotic story, or telling her what you want to do to her either on the phone, by writing her a note and tucking it into her pocket, sending a text message, or emailing her. If you can get her wet before you even touch her, you are doing very, very well.
The rules: Don’t go overboard. Use words and actions that will force her to use her imagination instead of giving her every detail. Touchless foreplay is a less obvious arouser because she isn’t going to be moaning into your neck, but it is just as effective as touching her. Her imagination will run rampant when a sexy suggestion is put in place, so get her worked up with evocative words
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