Sunday 15 November 2015


Michael O'Connor (L) with his girlfriend Sara Badel Craeye
The heroic act of a Brit who was willing to give up his life in order to protect his girlfriend's from the terrorists bullets in the France attack on Friday was so inspiring. The 30 years old man, Micheal O'connor who lay down on his girlfriend to protect her from the shooting of the terrorists at Bataclan ,said he thought he was going to die .

As an eyewitness, he described the horrific entrance of the two gunmen asking them to lie down before they started shooting indiscriminately at people. He chose to shield his french girl friend from bullet, protecting her from death. According to him, he thought he was going to die right there and told his girlfriend even at the point of death that he love her. Though the lady too proved to be strong by responding to O'connor "we are not going to die here." Obviously tapping from the guy's courage.

Both had to play dead to escape the terrorists gun shots. And it is great both made it out alive. And to those who were not fortunate enough to make it, may their gentle souls rest in peace.

But the question is how many people can do what this guy did. If only these terrorists will learn from this act. Love rules the world, it makes the world a better place. Try and protect, stop the killing.

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