The official announcement of INEC has come. INEC has declared me the fourteenth governor-elect of Lagos State. Only God crowns kings, and we thank God today. I may have won your vote, but it is you – the people – who have won the election. And therefore, I accept this victory on your behalf.
I must congratulate INEC for a job well done. I thank my oppositional candidate, Mr Jimi Agbaje, who fought a tireless and tough campaign against me. I urge him and all his supporters to join hands with me to move Lagos forward.
The people of Lagos have spoken with one voice. They have chosen continuity over an uncertain future. Not even threats from opponents could stop you from the call of destiny. Our victory at the polls has sealed a pact with democracy and good governance. And therefore, I shall devote every fibre of my being to even greater prosperity, growth and development to each and every Lagosian.
I will bring the best of Lagos into my governance. I shall make you proud and glad that I should do the best for Lagos. Lagos has a common desire to enthrone good governance. Lagos – under my watch – will not discriminate. There will be no political victimisation.
History has been made this day. By affirming your faith in APC and in me, for the first time in sixty years, progressive state government has been married with progressive federal government – a victory for progressive democracy. For the first time, we have a state and federal government who will work in one vision, one mind and one accord.
I make it my mission to govern wisely, and not rudely. Joint infrastructure and employment programmes will help improve roads, schools, electricity, and other social services. And we will succeed because of the cohesion between state and federal government. Under my watch, Lagos will enjoy optimal growth guaranteed through enhanced policy harmony.
I thank Muhammudu Buhari, our president-elect, for providing his stature and help in this campaign. I look forward to working with Mr Buhari to move Lagos and the whole Nigeria forward.
I would also like to mention two people – whom without – this campaign would not have been possible. First: Governor Babtunde Fashola, who has been a tireless, selfless and inspiring campaigner. Second: Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, the greatest political mind of our generation. Without his vision and dedication to a higher political purpose, this would not have been possible. He is the foremost hero of
Nigerian Democracy.
[Thanks Lagos Chapter, campaign team and family]
It is not possible to thank everyone who made this campaign possible. So forgive me for not mentioning everyone who assisted me. But I would like to thank you all for your continued support. We have turned our distant dream into an imminent reality. We had a campaign devoid of hatred. We embraced a paradigm shift in our democracy.
Even though INEC have declared my victory, this is no time for boasting or gloating. I am the Governor-elect for all Lagos. Today, we celebrate democracy. Tomorrow, we get back into work. You have voted for me, now I shall work for you. I will expand the process of development and growth in the state. It will not be an easy task; it will require creativity, wisdom and strength of purpose. But together we can make Lagos even greater.
Thank you! APC!
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