Thursday 10 March 2016

JOB VACANCY AT UNITED NATIONS: Human Rights Education Coordinator


JOB TITLE: Human Rights Education Coordinator (Dakar)
DIRECTORATE: Movement Building
PROGRAMME: Human Rights Education
REPORTING TO: Dakar Hub Director
SPECIALIST MANAGER: International HRE Programme Director

  • Closing Date:16 March 2016
  • Directorate:Regional Offices and Global Operations
  • Location:Dakar
  • Type:Permanent
  • Working Hours:35
  • Salary:€50,926
JOB PURPOSE: To coordinate Amnesty International’s human rights education work in West Africa and to work with Amnesty structures, sections and national entities, as well as other internal and external partners in order to ensure that the work is planned, implemented, reported and evaluated within the agreed timeline and resources. The Human Rights Education Coordinator plays a critical role in supporting national HRE coordinators in the region and in pioneering, designing and applying human rights education as a tool for change in human rights practices.

DEPARTMENT PURPOSE: The Human Rights Education Programme supports human rights educators and activists in the planning, implementation and evaluation of human rights education. It enables the Amnesty International movement to increase human rights impact and grow its constituencies and support base by facilitating greater knowledge, attitudes and capacities to protect and promote human rights. The programme works to increase and strengthen mobilization for greater human rights impact through pioneering new human rights education models and approaches to engaging people for social change.

AIIS PURPOSE: The International Secretariat, which operates from a number of sites around the world, gathers and communicates accurate and action-oriented human rights information globally. We campaign for meaningful human rights change; enable effective human rights activism and work to persuade governments and other actors to uphold universal human rights standards. We provide strategic leadership, support and advice to the Amnesty International movement globally, fostering Amnesty International’s contribution, presence and public accountability throughout the world.

Reporting to: Regional Hub Management with dotted reporting line into relevant Movement Building or Human Rights Education Management
Posts that this job manages: Interns, volunteers, temporary and fixed term contract staff and consultants.
Other key relationships: Colleagues in the Regional Hub, the Human Rights Education Programme, Amnesty International national entities in the region, other internal and external project partners, Dakar Regional Programme, Campaigns Programme, including Youth and Activism team and other campaigns teams, International HRE Network, other human rights education staff of sections and structures globally, external experts in human rights education, colleagues in other NGOs and academia.

The post is a full-time position.
The Dakar Human Rights Education Coordinator will be responsible for the coordination of any regional human rights education project implemented by national sections, structures and entities, in particular focusing on youth activism.
The job requires frequent travel in the West Africa region.

Location: Dakar

Support the development and coordinate the implementation of regional human rights education
initiatives in the West Africa region, including problem identification, project design and planning, implementation, budget management, evaluation and reporting to relevant bodies within and outside the Amnesty International movement to ensure that projects are effectively managed within the context of the Global Human Rights Education Strategy and other international and regional strategies and policies.

Support the development of regional human rights education initiatives and coordinate activities to ensure improved human rights education capacity of staff of sections, structures and entities in the region, as well as other partners and participants by:
o Analysing HRE capacity building needs, and facilitating and coordinating capacity building initiatives for these target groups
o Identifying, adapting and developing HRE resources relevant to the needs of the region, in order to support regional and national human rights education work
o Coordinating and/or supporting the development and implementation of national HRE strategies and plans
o Ensuring the high quality, transparency and accountability of key processes in human rights education work in the region, in particular any region wide project, including: the selection of partners; recruitment of participants; project design, development, and budgeting; project approval process; financial management and reporting; support system for partners and participants
o Managing and supporting HRE coordinators in the region in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, learning, and reporting related to their national HRE projects

 Contribute to strategic analysis and the development of strategies to ensure the relevance of the project by:
o Initiating and facilitating discussion on changes in the external world and how these have an impact on human rights education work in the West Africa region
o Contributing to relevant discussions at the international level

 Coordinate the identification and analysis of lessons learned from current HRE practices within the region and the Amnesty International movement through a utilization-based evaluation. Reproduce lessons learnt and facilitate a shared learning process in order to ensure effective implementation of the project

 Communicate and promote the impact of human rights education in the region using international, regional and national communications mechanisms

 Develop multi-faceted engagement with: HRE coordinators in the West Africa region, International HRE movement, and regional governmental and non-governmental HRE organizations. This engagement should include; monitoring global and regional HRE trends and developments, periodically analysing opportunities and threats, making recommendations to the HRE Programme and the Amnesty International HRE Network in order to ensure the relevance of Amnesty’s HRE work in the West Africa and globally, thereby contributing to the global HRE movement

 Ensure human rights education is part of an integrated and coordinated approach to human rights change in the West Africa, through liaising and collaborating with other staff and functions in the Regional Hub

Coordinate the overall operations, outputs and outcomes of human rights education work at the Regional Hub, including; supporting and supervising staff and volunteers in the team, ensuring smooth, efficient and effective operations and high quality outputs

 Other tasks as assigned within the responsibility, scope and nature of the post in order to ensure the effective implementation of human rights education work in the West Africa region, in line with global
and regional strategies and goals.

 A successful West Africa Human Rights Education Coordinator will have coordinated and implemented key parts of the human rights education plan to achieve its set goals and objectives in the West Africa region. This includes the coordination of support for partners and staff at national levels to ensure the smooth and effective running of human rights education projects at the national level, and sufficient and effective support to national HRE coordinators to implement human rights education in their respective countries in line with global and regional strategies.

 The postholder will have contributed to the effective functioning of the HRE Programme and national HRE coordinators, and to the effective implementation of the global human rights education strategy, growth strategies other frameworks and policies, as well as upheld Amnesty International’s values at all times

 Project Coordination
o Proven experience of developing and coordinating complex projects, budgets and inter-disciplinary project teams
o Understanding of project management methodology including distance management
o Ability to assess and liaise effectively with external individuals and bodies, including key stakeholders
o Ability to build positive and productive working relationships
o Ability to draft project plans, progress reports and final reports for organisational and funding requirements as appropriate
o Understanding of the link between project evaluation and organizational learning within a specific contex

 Coordinating human rights education projects
o Experience of coordinating HRE projects, including; problem identification, identifying target groups, assessing needs, facilitating learning, financial management, evaluation, and reporting to partners
o Demonstrated understanding of how human rights education can be used as a tool for social change in connection with campaigning and activism
o Good understanding of monitoring and evaluation of HRE projects
o Experience in facilitating youth activism and mobilization through human rights education

 Human rights education methodology
o Demonstrated understanding of human rights education methodology and its implications
o Sound understanding of participative approaches and experience-based learning
o Experience in facilitation and training using participative approaches
o Experience of designing, planning and delivering human rights education workshops and courses
o Experience in designing and integrating participatory techniques and tools as an integral part of workshops and trainings
o Experience in designing human rights education materials and resources
o Awareness of the implications of cultural diversity for effective delivery of training programme

 Political judgment and analytical skills
o Demonstrated ability to analyse complex global and regional situations in order to determine information needed; identify key stakeholders, alternative courses of action; impact of specific
decisions and to devise creative solutions based on findings
o Experience in contributing to organisational policies and their application in coordinated work with colleagues and external partners
o Demonstrated ability to apply political judgement in relation to content, communication and style of communication, evaluating the pros and cons of options for interpretation and action

 Knowledge of West Africa and global human rights education movements
o Demonstrated understanding of West Africa and international human rights education movement
o Ability to analyse trends of West Africa regional HRE and social movements and recommend courses of action for Amnesty International
o Demonstrated understanding of current issues in human rights education and youth mobilization and activism
o Knowledge of UN mechanisms as well as national and regional inter-governmental mechanisms in the promotion of human rights education
o Understanding of the role of NGOs in promoting human rights education

Communications and Representation
o Demonstrated ability to communicate on behalf of and represent Amnesty International in different fora, including the wider human rights movement, membership, officials / institutional interlocutors
o Experience in drafting substantial external and internal reports and briefings
o Ability to communicate clearly and tailor style and content of material for different purposes and people of different cultures
o Evidence of well-developed listening and speaking skills
o Experience of communicating and working effectively with people from different cultures

 Team Work & Team Building
o Ability to coordinate and motivate individual members of a team including volunteers
o Ability to generate and maintain team spirit within the Regional Hub, the HRE Programme, and with other colleagues
o Ability to schedule and plan work by setting clear goals
o Experience of working to deadlines and adjusting priorities according to needs

Advocacy skills
o Knowledge of concepts on human rights advocacy (preferably on human rights education)
o Experiences in developing advocacy strategy, including framing the issue, setting objectives, identifying targets, developing communication strategy and plans, implementing advocacy programme, and evaluating advocacy programmes
o Experience in networks, coalition building and relationship development with other governmental and non-governmental organizations

 Resilience, Initiative, and Motivation
o Demonstrated approach to work that is characterized by commitment, motivation and energy
o Ability to take the initiative and motivate others to join in work towards organisational priorities
o Demonstrated ability to maintain personal effectiveness by managing own emotions in the face of pressure, setbacks or when dealing with provocative situations

[Information to complete this section will be drawn from the AIIS competencies framework – currently in design. Guidance will be available on how to use this once it is complete]

Equality and diversity is at the core of our values and staff are expected to work collectively and individually to promote a constructive and sensitive approach to others from a variety of backgrounds, where the work of others is valued and respected.

Public or other activity, affiliation to or support for any group or organization, personal association or other factor which may generate a real or perceived conflict of interest with Amnesty International’s principles (specifically independence and impartiality), or raise a security concern, or otherwise prevent the candidate from carrying out key functions of the specific post and would therefore disqualify the candidate from being appointed.
Written by: Sneh Aurora Date agreed: *** 2014 To be reviewed:

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